Top Ten, Most Embarrassing


This post was inspired by yesterday at lunch, I was headed out to eat with a group of girls from the office and we headed to the new downtown grocery store and upon arrival, for some reason I really can’t explain..

10. I jumped behind a complete stranger into a revolving door that clearly was designed for only one person- causing the door to slam into my heels and trip up the stranger. Who probably wondered why in the world someone would not just wait their own door spot and for this I have no good answer except for that revolving doors make me panic.

9. My freshman year of college, writing the name of a boy I was interested in on our wipe-off board along with a few hearts only to forget and have him stop by our room and see it. And then he pretty much avoided me the rest of the semester. (He was from Quinter, remember him, Jenny?)

8. In fourth grade, writing a mean note about a girl- calling her a “mean, fat turkey” and having the teacher discover the note and sitting us down to have me apologize. We had spent two weeks writing mean notes back and forth about each other and that it was one of the most miserable periods of my young adult life, ending in utter embarrassment. Thankfully this girl and I are still friends and I wish I could take this back.

6. State Piano Competition, sophomore year, in front of a room of spectators I forget the ending to my piece and make something up, but somehow still managed to wrangle a 2 rating. But it would have been a I.

5. Seventh Grade

4. After a medical procedure where the anesthesia left me loopy, I spent the car ride home with my boyfriend of less than a year asking him over and over again 1. What had just happened and 2. Did he see my butt? And then I followed that up by throwing up in the sink in front of roommates who at the time didn’t care for my company under normal circumstances, and then Jenny had to call her mother who is a nurse to come give me phenegran to calm the nausea and it wasn’t a pill, if you get my drift. Mercifully, I was so out of it I barely remember any of this.

3. Throwing up on the sidewalk in Venice, Italy during the middle of the day with not a soul I knew around to help me. I know people must have thought I was drunk.

2. 10 minutes before I walk down the aisle to marry the love of my life, realizing that I had failed to shave my underarms that morning.

1. Yeah right I’m going to share that! I am taking it to my grave.

Anyone else care to share a few? C’mon, please??

4 responses »

  1. What happened to # 7?I remember you talking about most of these (except #2).My embarassing moments???Most of the ones I can think about involved being a parent of a daughter and son who weren’t embarassed about public displays of dislike for each other.:)

  2. Oh, this was more to my mom’s embarassement, but when I was younger a man asked to see my cute dimples again and me being so cute, showed him my nipples. Good thing I was only 4 and not 16.

  3. near the top: 7th gradenot to mention-sophomore year: choir concert day wearing a very short (think mini-skirt era)navy blue, sheath (think straight and slim dress), I tripped on the top of the stairs and fell head first with my rear exposed down the stairs to the sounds of whoops and hollers by guys I was trying to impress.most embarassing-no way!mommamarj

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